'Malicious’ vandalism causes massive flood at Vancouver apartment building
The flood not only damaged more than a dozen suites in the building at 388 Kaslo Street, which just opened in January,
This flood even managed to shut down the Tim Hortons on the bottom floor.
According to Vancouver Asst. Fire Chief Dave Rosenlund, the vandal who is a resident of the building which the police and property manager confirmed. Allegedly went into the third-floor stairwell overnight and opened the standpipe, which supplies water for firefighting hoses.
By the time the flowing standpipe was discovered and turned off around 1:30 a.m. Thursday, the damage was already done: at least 15 apartments, along with the lobby, one elevator, the parking garage and stairwell, all sustained water damage.
“This was definitely a malicious act,” Rosenlund said. “The water was running for quite a while.”
Vancouver police confirmed they are investigating the flood. A woman was also arrested at the scene, but police say it was for an unrelated matter.
The property management company, Warrington PCI Management, said the resident responsible for the flood is no longer allowed in the building, despite apologizing to the manager personally.
Security has also been heightened at the building, with guards monitoring the property 24-7 until further notice.
“We understand the tremendous grief that this has caused and deeply sympathize with any losses that occurred as a result of this act,” Rebekah David wrote in the letter, which was sent to Global News by a tenant.
David also made sure to announce for that anyone that was affected or suffered damage in any of the suites, to contact her, as well as their insurers to open their claims for hotel accommodation during repairs.
Currently one family from the unit has been set up with a hotel accommodation so far, according to the property management, the tenants have been given Starbucks and dinner gift cards. However all of the other tenants have chosen to stay with family and friends.
The tenant who shared the letter, who did not want to be named and does not live in one of the flooded suites, told Global News that water was leaking off people’s patios onto the streets below before the standpipe was shut off.
Rosenlund said the water also leaked onto the food tables and display cases inside the Tim Horton’s, forcing the store to close.
The tenant who spoke with Global News said several of the units that were flooded were set to be occupied starting April 1.
If you are interested on more details about what happened here or are interested in renting, please do not hesitate to contact with RentYVR agents [email protected] or call us at 778.888.8862 and make an appointment, or please register to our VIP Client list and we will inform you about most of the real estate that can effect your investments portfolio.
Source: https://globalnews.ca/news/5112445/vancouver-apartment-flood-vandalism/